Friday, March 26, 2010

The Grass

The grass is greener on the other side? You stand high and look at the beautifully knit nature there, you wish to be there, you rush there: exhausted, its ugly. Yes, the grass is almost always greener on the other side.

I want to become a scientist when I grow up, you said that in your easier days, without even knowing what it takes to be one. When you get closer to the world of that dim childhood dream, the already wearisome site you are in, appeals you: is this worth it? is it this, you really wanna be? isn't that new thing really fascinating? can I really do it? should I switch? Your answers come out sitting in the professed comfort zone.

The point is, looking at the larger picture has always been easy. It is the diminutive assembly that creates the larger picture. We, for obvious reasons, do not have a measurement scheme for those small little things, so we tend to make our initial statements ignoring: what made the grass greener on the other side? After landing up in an office, a list of things-to-do to keep the grass green appears. You either bloom, or wither it. The withering lets you seek a new office, the same questions arise and this repeats until the things-to-do list suits you the best.

Later, a province of grass is allotted. You turn it into a country or grow the fruits of happiness, or smoke the weed off.

when in doubt, find out the larger picture; when confident, deal smaller things.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Black Box Life

You are born with a black box, the karma is what you store in it, incessantly, till you die.

Does the box has shadows from the previous life? Do you take the black box to the next life? Or even more fundamental, does the previous or next life even exist? Does the karma even count?
  • NO: if so, the karma, the box, the birth and the death are a waste; still, a NO is quite possible: we were born for just the sake of it and die too, just for the sake of it. Who could explain, why are we here?
  • YES: this is complex, super complex. Leaving apart the carry forward or backward of the black box, a YES makes the karma important. The question here is, you decide your karma or everything is already decided?
My theory, in a part, inspired by the readings of Deepak Chopra, says, everything is already written, you only make decisions. Every moment, you have infinite choices to make from. Your choice/decision is mere your karma. The choice could be moral, or immoral, dependent on your definitions. The next available infinite choices depend on your current choice. So, the available options are already listed by someone, call it God, or an Artificial Intelligence programmer: since the number of conditions and the length of sub roots is unpredictable, a Genetic Algorithm is needed for the process, and only a programmer can write the code.

The black box shouldn't disturb you if its the nonsense theory, but the no-nonsense theory should urge you to make good, right, correct, moral, ethical choices.

I know the post has fallacies, may be incomplete too: logic, comments and questions. Did I mean, God is a Software Engg?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Successful Triangle

A lot has been spoken and debated about the Success. It is arguably the most subjective topic of discussion. The Success for some is divinity, for others being able to sleep happily, for some more others, a life full of dope and the list goes on. The obvious part is, success cannot be generalized, cannot be defined, but everyone wants to be successful in their own way.

I do not want to interrupt the masses' "pandoric" world, but couldn't resist a question: What, most probably, leads to success? May be, the answer could be generalized. My argument, as most of them, are open to fallacies; I welcome logic, comments and questions.

Talent (or Intelligence), Hard work and Luck, form the Triangle to Success. The three factors are intrinsically related to each other; the touch-one-disturb-everyone philosophy. The degree levels for each vertex would make infinitely unique triangles, and a dependent success measurement.

My word: any two factors of the three, would make it. A million examples fit successfully into each of the three combination's possible. On the contrary, absence of any two will lead to tragedies.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The two bodies, three points & the third being

Sex: taboo, fun or life; no matter how you define or take it as, leads to moksha, well, almost quite often. The energy and power of the moksha, depends strongly on the vital assets; the subconscious mind would agree, if you don't.

I did wonder why the adrenaline is sky high when three parts touch: lips, chest (yes, I'm shy) and the bottom (so what, I'm shy again), until I fused the two opposite bodies. The only way the two could be connected is through these three parts and it makes sense to me, as they do compliment each other so perfectly well. Imagine the two, as one whole, totally natural, pure, born that way. The two bodies bonded together, and how: the three parts.

The God, or someone for agnostics and atheists, comes and separates them into two; the three parts now are the separation points. This is where the excitement of bringing them together lies, the purity lies, the adrenaline lies, the moksha lies.

Mistake by the God, or someone, creates mystified third being.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello World

I said it then, in my first Computer Program and it took me to the Land of Opportunities; I'm feeling lucky, again.